Ofsted Visit - July 3rd & 4th July 2018
Ofsted Visit July 3rd & 4th July 2018
The rumours are true! Ofsted have rung Discovery today and will be in school tomorrow and Wednesday, 3rd and 4th of July. This is, as expected, in our third year of opening.
School will run as normal for the 2 days – any trips or visit will go ahead as planned. Students have been told this afternoon of the visit and are bringing paperwork home. We are expecting them to rise to the challenge of this external visit with their usual enthusiasm and pride for the school.
The inspectors will take students, parents’ and carers’ views into account – this is now done on line via the parent view webpages - http://parentview.ofsted.gov.uk/; we encourage you to actively participate in this important verification of our provision and standards.
Student views are collated via https://ofsted.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/Pupil/10048320. Ofsted write” Your views are really important to us, and will help inspectors understand your experience of school. The questionnaire will close at 11am on 03 July 2018, to give the inspector time to look at the results.”
Please see attachments below with full information